【学生及び教職員各位】ノロウィルスの集団感染について(注意喚起)Infection of norovirus among TUAT Students (Important Notice)


学生及び教職員 各位




府中地区の学生:学生サポートセンター 042-367-5579
小金井地区の学生:学生サポートセンター 042-388-7011
教職員:本部人事チーム 042-367-5567


December 7, 2010

To: All students, Faculty and Staff Members
Re: Infection of norovirus among TUAT Students (Important Notice)

Center for Environment and Safety

Recently, the group infection (more than 10 students) of the norovirus has been found among a student club of TUAT.
To prevent a major outbreak and infection in the university, the center recommends all students and members to wash their hands carefully and follow the instructions on the preventive and sterilizing measures below:

There are two routes of norovirus infection. One is through eating food; shellfish such as oysters tend to carry the virus. The other route is through human-to-human transmission. Norovirus infection brings about fever, diarrhea, vomiting. Fecal and vomit materials from an infected person contain a large amount of noroviruses.

To prevent norovirus infection,
1 Cook food well for more than one minute at 85 ℃ or higher.
2 Wash your hands carefully with soap and running water for more than 30 seconds before cooking, before eating, after using the toilet and immediately after arriving at home.
3 Cleaning up feces or vomit from an infected person requires utmost care. Wear a disposable mask, gloves, and pinafore and wipe material with a paper towel to prevent the virus from becoming airborne. After cleaning up, wash your hands carefully with soap and running water.

To sterilize infected materials,
1 Disinfect the materials lower infected such as doorknobs and handrails with a chlorinated bleaching agent (0.02 percent sodium hypochlorite). Metallic materials need water wipe after 30minutes of disinfection to prevent corrosion. For cloths, it is effective to disinfect with hot water for more than one minute at 85 ℃ or higher. Please note that alcohol sterilization is not effective.
2 Disinfect the spot after cleaning up feces or vomit with a chlorinated bleaching agent (0.1percent sodium hypochlorite)

1 The incubation period is one to two days. Early signs of infection are diarrhea, vomiting and stomachache. Elderly people and children might have severe symptoms, but they usually disappear in one to two days.
2 People who recover still have viruses in their feces for two to three weeks. During these periods, they should use their own towels at home and be the last to take a bath.

If you feel uncomfortable wherever you may be or have any of the symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting and stomachache) described above, please take a clinical examination in a hospital. If the examination reveals that you have been infected with the norovirus, call the number below as
soon as possible.

< List of Phone Numbers >
For Faculty of Agriculture and United Graduate School of Agricultural Science students:
Student Support Centers at Fuchu Campus: 042-367-5579
For Students of Faculty of Technology, MOT and BASE students:
Student Support Centers at Koganei Campus: 042-388-7011
For Faculty and staff members of TUAT: Personnel office of Headquarters: 042-367-5567

