President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology visits TUAT

August 7, 2017

On August 3, 2017, Mr. Hoang Minh Son, President of the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, accompanied by Mr. Pham Huy Hoang, Vice Executive Director of the Faculty of Information and Technology, and Mr. Kazunari Fujimoto, CEO of FRAMGIA Philippines, made an official visit to President Ono. TUAT and Hanoi University of Science and Technology became partner institutions in 2010 and have been actively exchanging teachers and students since then. President Ono, Vice President Okayama, Professor Masaki Nakagawa, Professor Keichi Kaneko - both professors at the graduate school of engineering –, Associate Professor Tomoko Hongo, from the International Center, and Associate Professor Hironori Nakashino, from the Faculty of Engineering, participated in the exchange of opinions that started revolving around information technology and soon developed into other equally interesting topics, all relying on the possibility of continued mutual cooperation. Currently, two students from the Hanoi University of Science and Technology are studying at TUAT. They were received by President Hoang and Vice Executive Director Pham and showed how happy they are by being here.
