Can Tho University visits TUAT

October 10, 2017

On October 3rd, 2017, Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Vice-Rector of the Can Tho University, accompanied by Dr. Nguyen Van Be (Deputy Director of PMU) and Dr. Van Pham Dan Thuy (Head of Human Resources Development Unit, PMU) made an official visit to President Ohno. Prior to this, the delegates first visited the Faculty of Agriculture campus, and had a meeting with?? Agriculture Faculty Dean, professor Chiba. They also toured at the Plant Factory, and had a discussion about future cooperative partnerships with 11 faculty members and Doctoral Degree students from Can Tho University enrolled at TUAT.

TUAT, in particular the Institute of Agriculture, has contributed for over 20 years with various types of supports to, and has conducted collaborative research with Can Tho University, including JICA ODA projects and NEDO large-scale projects. Many TUAT alumni are currently teaching at Can Tho University.

Currently, TUAT is acting as the representative of the support committee under the JICA ODA/Technical Cooperation Project for Can Tho University. The project aims to reinforce the Agriculture, Environment and Aquaculture departments of the university.

In addition, student exchange has been also active: under the TUAT EDGE program, in which TUAT and Can Tho University students worked together on Can Tho University campus, while TUAT student studied at Can Tho University supported by the Japanese government scholarship program “TOBITATE Japan”. Thus, Can Tho University has established itself as one of the largest and most important global institutions for TUAT Institute of Agriculture.

After the official meeting, a reception was held and TUAT faculty members involved in the programs with Can Tho University and students from the University got together to celebrate and wish for a long-lasting and fruitful cooperation, especially in the area of international collaborative research.

Official meeting
Meeting with faculty members and Doctoral students from Can Tho University enrolled at TUAT.
