Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai)

Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai)

Compensation for injuries to the student himself/herself
Provided to students who suffer accidents during a TUAT class, extracurricular activity, while participating in a university event, or on a university campus; or who have an accident during their school commute or while moving between university facilities, etc.

Note: Forms for entering this insurance program are provided when you enroll; please be sure to fill them out and submit them properly.


Students entering TUAT in April can enroll in this insurance program from mid-March to mid-April, and those entering TUAT in October can enroll from mid-September to mid-October. You can also enroll even after the academic year has begun.

Insurance Premiums

One year 1,000 yen Four years 3,300 yen
Two years 1,750 yen Five years 4,050 yen
Three years 2,600 yen Six years 4,700 yen

Scope of applicable accidents

The number of days of treatment covered and the amount of insurance money provided differs depending on when and where the accident occurred.

1. During a class
2. During a university event
3. While in a university facility other than 1 or 2 above
4. During an extracurricular activity
5. While commuting (school commute hazard rider)
6. While moving between university facilities, etc. (school commute hazard rider)

Providing notification of an accident and receiving payment of insurance money

If you suffer an accident, immediately notify the office or section in charge. Please be aware the insurance money may not be provided if you do not provide notification within thirty days of the accident.
You will be notified of the forms you must submit and other information when you provide notification of the accident.

Liability Insurance coupled with "Gakkensai”

Compensation paid if a student is held responsible for causing an injury to another person or damaging another person’s property in Japan during a university class or event, or while traveling to or from either.

Notes: 1. You must enroll in this insurance when you engage in an internship, teaching practice, nursing practice, etc.
2. If an incident occurs as described above, report it to the office or section in charge and follow the instructions provided.


Students enrolled in the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai) may enroll in this program.
The insurance period for students entering TUAT in April is from April until March of the following year (a one-year period), and from October until September the following year (a one-year period) for students entering TUAT in October. You can also enroll after the academic year has begun.

Insurance Premiums

One year: 340 yen (the insurance premium remains the same even if enrolling mid-year)

Scope of applicable activities

This insurance only applies to activities conducted in Japan and only when the Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (Gakkensai) is applicable.

Providing notification of an accident and receiving payment of insurance money

If a student suffers an accident, please notify the relevant office or section in charge.

Note: If a student leaves TUAT or requests a temporary absence from school lasting over one year during the insurance period, the balance of the insurance premium paid will be returned to the student upon application.

Sections and Offices in Charge

For Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture students: Student Support Section, Fuchu Student Support Office
For Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering students: Student Support Section, Koganei Student Support Office
For United Graduate School of Agricultural Science students: Student Affairs Section of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
For Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering students: BASE Office
For professional graduate school students: Student Support Section, Koganei Student Support Office
