The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science laboratory Introduction

We introduce the laboratory of Faculty of Engineering and The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Keiichi Kaneko laboratory

Algorithms for interconnection networks,
parallel/distributed processing, dependable

Kinya Fujita laboratory

Human-centered smart interface, telework, online
communication, virtual reality

Nariyoshi Yamai laboratory

Research for administration, deployment,
management, operation, and evaluation of large-scale
distributed systems including the Internet, such as
Internet architecture, network security, and so on.

Takafumi Saito laboratory

Computer graphics, visualization, image/video
shape processing.

Mitaro Namiki laboratory

Systems software (operating systems, compiler,
protocol stack, window system), embedded systems,
high performance computer systems, distributed
processing, network architecture, low power computer
systems, information systems.

Toshiyuki Kondo laboratory

Neurocomputing, evolutionary computation, cognitive
robotics, cognitive interface design, brain-computer

Masaki Nakagawa laboratory

Human interfaces, pattern recognition, handwriting
recognition, pen-based interfaces, natural language
processing, web applications.

Kaori Fujinami laboratory

Research on methods for recognizing and using real-world information from data obtained from sensors, the web, and other sources, as well as on the underlying systems. Research on human-computer interaction methods for effective and efficient information acquisition.

Akinobu Shimizu laboratory

Medical Imaging, Computer-aided Diagnosis, Pattern
Recognition, Multidimensional Signal Processing.

Ken Nagasaka laboratory

Power System Engineering, New Energies including
Wind, Solar, Micro Hydro and Geothermal Generation,
Planning and Operation of Micro Grids, Smart Grid,
Load Forecasting, Power Deregulation, Energy
Conservation, Application of Intelligent Engineering
such as Neural Network to Power Systems, etc.

Jun-ichi Shirakashi laborayory

Novel nanofabrication techniques, single-electron
transistors (SETs), and ferromagnetic nanostructures.

Shinji Wakui iaboratory

Positioning equipment for high speed, anti-vibration
apparatus for micro-gravity order, servo type vibration
sensor including its application for anti-vibration, and
servo-motor driving technology

Tomo Ueno laboratory

Development of Integrated Circuit based on novel
device and process technology. Low temperature
insulating film fabrication, OLED fabrication,
electrical measurement, physical & chemical analysis.

Mingcong Degn laboratory

Fault detection and fault tolerant control system
design of thermoelectric conversion elements, robust
nonlinear compensation of smart material actuators
and micro-hands.

Toru Uno laboratory

Antennas and propagation, Computational
electromagnetics, Bio-electromagnetics, Geophysical
sensing, Electromagnetic environment,
Elecromegnetic metamaterials.

Mingcong Degn laboratory

Fault detection and fault tolerant control system
design of thermoelectric conversion elements, robust
nonlinear compensation of smart material actuators
and micro-hands.

Nobuo Hara laboratory

Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra in
positive characteristic. In particular, study of
algebraic varieties and their singularities via the
Frobenius morphism

Kazuko Shinohara laboratory

Cognitive linguistics, Conceptual Metaphor Theory,
Spatial cognition and language.

Ryuhei Miyashiro laboratora

Mathematical programming, discrete optimization,
algorithm, modeling.

Katsuhide Fujita laboratory

Artificial intelligence related to autonomous agents,
multi-agent systems, data mining, complex networks,
knowledge management.

Hironori Nakajo laboratory

Processor micro-architecture, parallel processing,
VLSI design, high performance computing, embedded

Yuichi Tanaka laboratory

Fundamental theory of complex and large-scale data analysis, including graph signal processing and machine learning. Also, research on applications to sensor networks, image processing, and geographic information systems.

Hiroshi Yamada laboratory

Operating systems, system virtualization, parallel and
distributed systems, system software for dependable
computing and cloud computing.

Seiji Hotta laboratory

Classification and clustering, invariances in
recognition, information retrieval.

Ikuko Shimizu laboratory

Computer vision, shape and appearance modeling,
image recognition.

Shun Watanabe laboratory

Information theory, Communication Engineering
Cryptography,Information security

Toshihisa Tanaka laboratory

Mathematical signal processing and its applications
to: brain signal processing for brain-machine
inferfacing, image processing and pattern recognition,
adaptive signal processing, and radar signal

Kunihiro Fujiyoshi laboratry

Computer-Aided Design and Design-Automation of
VLSI layout problem, using combinatorial algorithm
and graph theory.

Yasufumi Iimura laboratory

Conduct research and development related to flat panel displays. In particular, research will be focused on liquid crystal displays, but research and development will also be conducted on light-emitting devices and active devices using organic materials.

Takuji Arima laboratory

Computational electromagnetics, New materials for
electromagnetic waves, Bio-electromagnetics.

Ken Takiyama laboratory

Main themes are 1. elucidation of neural mechanisms
that relate to motor control and learning and 2.
proposal of efficient training to improve motor skill.
Main techniques are neural network model and
human behavioral experiments. We plan to utilize
electroencephalograms and machine learning

Takehito Suzuki laboratory

Terahertz antennas, Extreme materials in the
terahertz waveband, Terahertz metamaterials,
Extreme-sensitivity terahertz polarization
measurements, ultrahigh-speed wireless
communication in the terahertz waveband, Terahertz
application systems.

Kenta Umebayashi laboratory

Wireless communication network, Signal processing
and resource control for efficient and reliable wireless
communication, Advanced signal processing for
multiple antennas based communications, Cognitive
radio techniques, Physical layer security, Nano-devise
and Terahertz wireless communications.

Wakana Kubo laboratory

Development of solar cells, optical devices, and
functional materials based on light management
technology realized by plasmonic metamaetrials

Ya Zhang laboratory

Fundamental and applied research on semiconductor
quantum nanostructures and nanoelectromechanical
systems. Development of the next-generation
electronics, such as single electron transistors,
quantum information processing devices,
high-sensitivity terahertz sensors, etc

Mikio Murata laboratory

Discretization and ultradiscretization of differential
equations, Cellular automaton, Integrable systems
and Painleve equations.

Takanobu Tobishima laboratory

Studies the relationship between technology and society and the plastic arts, issues of "modernity" in the arts, and images and designs in contemporary life.

Ryoko Uno laboratory

Grammatical analysis and constructive approach to
explore the cognitive basis of grammar

Ichiro Okano laboratory

Social informatics, social systems theory, and communication theory.
